
Hanoi #3 Flower Market

2. feb. 2017

Hi Love!

Hanoi's flower market is something worth seeing if you can. - if you can stay up for it. 
This is primarily a commercial market, supplying all the floral shops and roving flower vendors for the city of Hanoi. 
 But still, at 5. am they really just want to get rid of the products that are left and if you aren't there to buy flowers looking is free. 
After staying in Hanoi for a while and having heard about this market out of all the markets there is in Hanoi I felt like it was time to see it for myself. So I did, after a night out with the volunteers. 
 The stalls are at their peak in the middle of the night. I will recommend you to go there after a night out. 
 'Kill two birds with one stone.'  

Hope you're well
Talk to you soon.

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